Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Understanding Anxiety Parent Session

The Calgary Board of Education is inviting all community members to join us for an inspiring evening of learning with experts in understanding anxiety. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health concerns affecting children and families across the lifespan. Parents and schools play an essential role in helping children manage their anxiety. This session will explore what anxiety and stress are, how to recognize it, and how to support resilience. 


On April 4, the CBE’s Well-Being team will host a free online session where parents will be able to join and learn from to experts in the field of health promotion​​​​, ask questions and receive follow-up materials.  


You are invited to join us at the virtual session from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 pm on Tuesday April 4th.


Click HERE on Tuesday April 4th at 6:30pm to join the session 

Understanding Anxiety

Child and Youth Well-Being Series for Families and CaregiversTuesday, April 4, 20236:30 to 8:00 p.m.


CBE educators believe that parents and caregivers can inspire their kids to make healthy lifestyle choices and increase protective factors — in order to do so, they need the right tools and information.Since our understanding of student health and well-being is evolving, it is important for parents to stay up-to-date on the same information so everyone is supporting student success. This is the fourth session offered in a five-part Child and Youth Well-Being for Families and Caregivers learning series that is offered at no-cost to all Calgary Board of Education employees, families, and community members between December 2022 and May 2023.  

The intention of the series is to advance student well-being by raising family and caregiver’s understanding of a variety of health-related topics. Each session focuses on reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors.


The last session will focus on Understanding Social Media (May 2, 2023). Communication about this last session will be distributed separately.

Friday, March 17, 2023

important info & reminders

Friday, March 24 is the last day of classes before Spring Break.  Classes will resume on Monday, April 3.  After Spring Break, there is no school on Friday, April 7 and Monday, April 10.


For the evening performances on March 22 & 23, doors will open at 6:00 pm.  Seating is first come, first served.  Please be respectful of our neighbours when parking.  There is no parking available in the parking lot.

Due to space restrictions and fire code regulations, each family has two seats.  Seats are one person per seat due to the maximum capacity allowed (no lap children).

For evening performances only, please have your child at the school by 6:00 pm for the evening that they are performing.   They should be dropped off in classrooms as follows:

Kindergarten – Sra. Fredette

Sra. Fredette’s M/W class go to Room 4 on their evening 

Sra. Fredette’s T/Th class go to Room 6 on their evening

Kindergarten – Srta. Di Lorenzo

Sra. Di Lorenzo’s M/W class go to Room 3 on their evening 

Sra. Di Lorenzo’s T/Th class go to Room 5 on their evening

Grade 1

Sra. Fuentes and Srta. Alvarado go to Room 7 (in the Learning Commons) on their evening.

Srta. Houde and Srta. Carcamo go to Room 8 (in the Learning Commons) on their evening.

Grade 2

Grade 2 students go to Room 2 (in the Learning Commons) on their respective evening

Grade 3

Grade 3 students go to their regular classroom on their respective evening

Grade 4

Grade 4 students go to their regular classroom on their respective evening

Grade 5

All Grade 5 students go to Room 1 on any evening that they are performing

March 20 & 21 Dress Rehearsal

We encourage families who would like to bring additional family members and small children to attend the dress rehearsal performance at 2:00 p.m on March 20 or 21, where there are no limits and everyone is welcome.  Doors open at 1:45pm and seating is first come, first served.  Again, please be respectful of our neighbours when parking.

The March 20 dress rehearsal will be for those performing in the evening performance on March 22.   The March 21 dress rehearsal will be for those performing in the evening performance on March 23.  If you plan on attending the dress rehearsal, please ensure that you are attending on the correct date to see your child.

Students will be called to the dress rehearsal and classes will resume once the dress rehearsal is complete, so there is no need to sign out your child.

Thank you to everyone who has supported their child and the school in preparation for the concert.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, March 3, 2023

3 de marzo

In Spanish, we are learning about fruits. We've been practicing the vocabulary through riddles, songs, and during snack time, identifying fruits we do or do not have by saying, "Yo (no) tengo..." We are also enjoying the song "Soy una pizza"

Here are the songs we have been practicing for "las fruta" (fruits):

Los colores de las frutas

Frutas #1

Frutas #2

In math, we are continuing to work on making 5 (4 y 1, 5 y 0, 3 y 2), as well as number representations, using dice, dominos, ten frames, pictures tally marks.

We have been using CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words to practice segmenting (breaking down a word into its individual sounds) and blending (merging sounds to make a word). I am very impressed with how well the children are doing with these skills.


  Please see the separate email sent regarding our Celebration of Learning & Book Fair on March 9 & 10 and how to book for it.   A reminder that Thursday, March 9 is a full day of school and that there is no school for all students on March 10.


We are continuing our Food Drive for Kindness Month.  All donations are gratefully accepted and can be dropped off at the donation boxes at either the front or the back door.


Volunteer opportunities are available for each class.  You must have a valid CBE volunteer clearance at the time you sign up and we ask that you sign up for two opportunities per class to allow for as many people as possible to participate.  If you would like to volunteer more, please check with the teacher.    More details can be found in the separate email that was sent out.


Our Spring Concert will be held on March 22 & 23 at 6:30pm.  You can see which classes perform when as well as the costume preparation in when in the separate emails that were sent out.   You can also check the class blogs for information. Srta. Primak is also looking for helping with prop creation.  You can sign up here if you can help out.  If you have any questions regarding the concert, please email Srta. Primak.

Parent Teacher Interviews

  Hola! A reminder that kindergarten will have parent-teacher interviews. Please ensure you sign up for a 15-minute time slot for in-person interviews next Thursday/Friday. 

16 de junio

We rotated through some math and literacy centers. We built a granja (farm), played a CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) Snakes and Ladders wor...